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Association of Taximeter Installers

Association of Taximeter Installers

About Us

We started as a small local group 30 years ago trying to share info on a you scratch my back I'll scratch yours basis trying to make the job easier for all.

Now we have members all over the world and manufactures suggest their agents join because they all have some info but not as much as we do, for example CAN unit makers have where to connect for CAN but we have data that often means you don't need to use one.

Some vehicles are a pain so we have manufactured for us a get out of jail unit which connects to the ABS sensors which on some vehicles is the only normal pulse left, these are only available to members

Some have to use a CAN unit so we supply to members the best units made at prices lower than if they went direct to the manufacturer and because we supply so many the ones we supply members  allways have the latest software because they have not been sitting on a shelf for months.

Members get the data using microsoft onedrive so they can look at the data when doing the vehicle and compare the picture and description to whats in front of them.

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